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IQF blackcurrant spec


Spec for IQF Blackcurrants

General description:

The product is produced from sound, ripe and unfermented blackcurrant free from moulds. The production was done according to well known standard methods.

The product is solely made from the named fruits and it contain no additives, colorings, sugar and preservatives.

The product is in accordance with the norms stated in the European legislation (EC)


Physical and Chemical characteristics: 

Brix – 10 at 20 C Uncorrected.

Titratable acidity – 2.8-3.6 %  as anh. Citric acid, pH 8.1



Stalks < 10 mm. Max. 2 per kg

Stalks > 10 mm - Absent .

Leaf   < 4 mm. Max. 5 per kg

Leaf   > 4 mm –Absent.

Unripe white and green – Absent

Unripe light and red – Max. 10 per kg

Shriveled – Max 5 per kg

Foreign materials (wood, paper, snails, stones, insects, etc) – Absent.

Organoleptical characteristic

Color – typical blackcurrant.

Taste and flavor – typical blackcurrant without notes.


Bacteriological conditions

Yeast – Max. 10  per 1 gram

Mould – Max. 10  per 1 gram

Pathogenic bacteria – Absent


Shelf life and storage

2 years in frozen storage of  –18 c.



10 kgCardboard boxes with polybag.

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